In April 2024, following on from the Spring Budget announcement, National Insurance (NI) contributions for employees were reduced, with cuts also made for the self-employed. 

Keeping up with tax updates can often feel like a minefield, so we’ve put together a few tips to help you work out how these changes apply to you and what difference it could make to your income.

What is National Insurance?

Let’s start at the beginning. National Insurance is a component of the welfare state in the UK. It acts like a form of social security, since NI contributions entitle you to certain state benefits such as sick pay, a state pension, jobseekers allowance and more. It also helps to fund the NHS. It was established in 1911 and is collected each month by the HMRC.

Spring Budget updates 

On 6th March, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announce changes in National Insurance to include:

  • The NI insurance rate for employees is now 8% reduced from 10% 
  • Self-employed Class 4 NI contributions have decreased from 9% to 6% 
  • Self-employed Class 2 NI contributions have been scrapped entirely 

Whilst this all sounds positive, the general gist being that you should keep more of your earnings in 2024, it’s important to consider these cuts in the context of tax rises and wage growth (more on that shortly). 

Why has National Insurance changed?

With the general election looming and the Conservatives behind in the polls, it was expected that Jeremy Hunt was going to cut taxes in the Spring Budget. 

There are rumors that the government has chosen to reduce NI because it costs the Treasury less, and benefits employees at the same time. It also provides incentives for people to work. 

What are the new NI rates, and what does that mean for you? 

The amount you pay in National Insurance is determined by whether you are employed or self-employed, and how much you earn. Employers also have to pay NI for each of their staff. 


  • NI contributions are calculated based on your earnings
  • No NI is payable on your first £12,570 earned
  • New NI rate of 8% on income of £12,570-£50,270 a year, this equates to between £1,048-£4,189 a month before tax
  • 2% on income over £50,270 a year, approximately £4,189 a month.


  • Your NI contributions will be calculated using your annual profits. 
  • From 6 April 2024, those with profits above £12,570 aren’t required to pay Class 2 National Insurance. 
  • Class 4 National Insurance contributions will see you paying 6% on earnings between £12,570 and £50,270 and 2% on profits above £50,270.
  • Changes in NI will save £350 each year for the average self-employed worker earning £28,000

Still feeling a bit lost? The BBC (and many other financial businesses) have built a calculator tool that helps you work out what savings you might receive with the new NI cuts (note, this only works for those who receive a salary).

But, why are we still paying more tax? 

Whilst cuts in NI seem like a step in the right direction, millions of us across the UK are still paying more tax overall due to changes in tax thresholds. 

Tax thresholds are the income levels at which we start paying NI or income tax, they used to rise year on year in line with inflation. However, the NI threshold has been frozen at £12,570 until 2028. Freezing thresholds means that more people will begin to pay tax and NI as their wages increase each year. 

According to the Office for Budget Responsibility this will create 3.2 million extra taxpayers by 2028 and 2.6 million more people will pay higher rates. 

Moving forward 

Like most changes in the economy there will be winners and losers from this NI change, and this is all dependent on how high your income is. 

Do your research, make sure you’re on top of your take home income and find a way to budget effectively so that you don’t get caught out with changes in tax. 

With the UK general election on the horizon a new Government may come into power. This will lead to updates in policy and might well affect tax, VAT, business operations, wages and more.

A survey of the accountancy firms in the Corporate Finance Network (CFN) at the end of 2023 found that 80% expect the general election will have some impact on the economy and the confidence of business owners to conduct deals. 

In the aftermath of the Spring Budget many businesses are expecting changes to take place, with the election thrown into the mix it’s not surprising that many businesses are feeling uncertain about how their businesses might be affected.

How can a general election affect businesses?

  • Changes to regulatory frameworks: As a new government enacts new laws, businesses might need to adjust to stay compliant. This could mean changes in operations, investments and other areas.
  • Adjustments to government contracts: A new government may have different budgetary priorities or ideologies from the old one. This could result in changes to government contracts, as a result businesses with existing contracts would be affected.
  • Uncertainties in trade: Changes in leadership could impact diplomatic relations between countries, leading to changes in trade relations, tariffs, and other policies.
  • Fluctuations in stock price: The stock market could also be impacted. Stock prices have a direct impact on market valuations of public companies. A change in the stock market could also affect retail investors, who may adjust their investment and spending habits impacting other businesses.

What are the Labour and Conservative party promising?

The UK political parties have started to release their manifestos, here’s some of the key takeaways that could affect businesses.


Corporation Tax

Labour plan to keep Corporation Tax at its current rate of 25% and will look to lay out a plan for future business taxation.

The Conservatives are promising to ‘back businesses with lower taxes’.

The good news is – it’s likely that Corporation Tax won’t get any higher in 2024.

Personal Tax

The Conservatives have a plan to cut personal tax should they win the election. There are also rumours that they would get rid of National Insurance all together too.


Labour have announced that they want to add VAT to private school fees and to end tax breaks for independent schools. We’re yet to hear what regulations they plan to put into place surrounding VAT for other businesses.

The Conservatives don’t want to raise VAT if they stay elected and have been quite vocal in their response to Labour’s plans.


Many parties are looking into ways to encourage businesses to be more sustainable.

If Labour are elected they want to create a plan for green energy including windfall tax on oil and gas companies on their excess profits to assist with the cost of living.

The Liberal Democrats will be investing in renewable power and want 80% of the UK to be generated from renewables by 2030.

The High Street

Both Labour and Conservatives want to bring growth back to physical high street shops.

The Conservatives have put together plans and budget towards saving UK shops. Their plan includes giving life to empty buildings, supporting high street businesses, making sure there are clean and safe spaces and more.

Business Rates

If you have a non-domestic property, you may be paying business rates.

The Labour Party are looking to make big changes to business rates. This is part of their wider plan to support small businesses.

The Conservatives also want to reduce business rates, and they plan to start with the retail industry.

Get your business ready

There’s no hiding from the impending election – your business will be affected in one way or another by policy changes.

It’s crucial for businesses to be aware of new policies and to adapt accordingly. Stay on top of the general election and have a plan in place to respond.

Remember, even though elections can bring about risk and uncertainty, there can also be exciting opportunities for growth. Feeling uncertain? Drop us an email or a call and we can provide advice and support during this time of change.

Did you know…?

In 2024 there will be 65 elections across the world, that means 40% of the global population has a chance to vote. We will have to wait until 2048 for this many elections to happen in a single year again.